Optimization computation with spiking neurons

A neuromorphic machine and method of determining an optimum value. The neuromorphic machine comprises a plurality of spiking neurons and a plurality of blocking neurons. The plurality of spiking neurons are configured to receive a plurality of input signals representing a plurality of input values and to implement objective functions on the plurality of input values. The plurality of blocking neurons are configured to receive the plurality of input values and output from the plurality of spiking neurons as input and to provide an output signal representing an optimum value corresponding to at least one of the plurality of input values.

Patent Filing: 12/11/2017
Application Abstract: A neuromorphic machine and method of determining an optimum value. The neuromorphic machine comprises a plurality of spiking neurons and a plurality of blocking neurons. The plurality of spiking neurons are configured to receive a plurality of input signals representing a plurality of input values and to implement objective functions on the plurality of input values. The plurality of blocking neurons are configured to receive the plurality of input values and output from the plurality of spiking neurons as input and to provide an output signal representing an optimum value corresponding to at least one of the plurality of input values.
Date Added to Site: 12/7/2022
Tech ID: SD 14242
Patent Type: Pending
Government Interests: STATEMENT OF GOVERNMENT INTEREST This invention was made with Government support under Contract No. DE-NA0003525 awarded by the United States Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. The Government has certain rights in the invention.