Electronic drive systems and methods

Patent Number: 6419335
Issued: 7/16/2002
Official Filing: View the Complete Patent
Abstract: An electronic drive system applies a drive signal to an electrostatically actuated device such that a resulting electric field has a constant force. In various exemplary embodiments, the electronic drive system applies a drive signal to an electrostatically actuated fluid ejector that has a piston and a faceplate including a nozzle hole. A dielectric fluid to be ejected is supplied between the piston and the faceplate. The drive signal is applied to one of the piston and the faceplate. The drive signal generates an electric field across the fluid between the piston and the faceplate. The electric field causes the piston to be electrostatically attracted towards the faceplate so that a jet or drop of fluid is ejected through the nozzle hole of the faceplate. According to exemplary embodiments, the drive signal is from a constant current source or is reduced over the course of its lifetime. Further, according to various exemplary embodiments, the drive signal is of a suitable high frequency to reduce the potential of electrochemical reactions or electrical breakdown, or both. The drive signal may also be a bi-polar drive signal to reduce the possibility of electrochemical reactions.
Filed: 11/24/2000
Application Number: 9/718,480
Government Interests: STATEMENT OF GOVERNMENT INTEREST This invention was made with Government support under Contract No. DE-NA0003525 awarded by the United States Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. The Government has certain rights in the invention.