Sandia Decon Formulation for Mitigation and Decontamination of Chemical and Biological Agents

A complete national program for protection against the chemical and biological warfare (CBW) threat must include elements for rapid response to such a threat. In the event of a domestic CBW attack, technologies to quickly decontaminate the area are necessary for two main reasons. First, the initial responders to the scene must be able to quickly decontaminate the area to a safe level so that casualties can be treated and evacuated. Second, a rapid, and complete restoration of the affected facilities is necessary so that they can be readied for re-use in a timely manner without loss of critical and expensive equipment. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) has responded to this national initiative to combat the domestic CBW threat by developing an aqueous decon formulation.

SNL has developed a nontoxic, noncorrosive aqueous formulation—Sandia Decon Formulation—for the rapid mitigation and decontamination of CBW agents. Sandia Decon Formulation can be deployed as a foam, liquid spray, or fog. Potentially, the formulation can be used by first responders to the scene of a domestic CBW attack and by personnel assigned to restoration of an affected facility after an attack. Experimental results on chemical and biological (CB) simulants and live CB agents indicate that the formulation works quickly, is effective against both chemical and biological agents, and does not generate toxic by-products. The formulation is also highly effective against many classes of toxic industrial chemicals and a wide spectrum of biological pathogens, making its potential use applicable to a variety of hazard response scenarios and commercial applications.
- Decontaminates and mitigates both chemical and biological weapons agents, chemical toxins, and biological pathogens
- General disinfectant for bacterial spores, viruses, fungi, and vegetative cells
- Requires minimal logistical support
- Works quickly
- Can be deployed as foam, liquid, or fog
- Does not produce toxic by-products
- Environmentally friendly
- Easy cleanup
Applications and Industries
The formulation can be incorporated into a wide variety of carriers and deployed with various devices, depending on whether it is used as a foam, liquid spray, or fog. This diversity satisfies a wide range of operational objectives. For foams, depending on the volume of use, Sandia Decon Formulation has been successfully deployed by means of small handheld devices, similar to extinguishers, and in large-scale foam-generating devices (Figure 1). The formulation as liquid spray can be disseminated by means of commercially available paint sprayers. Commercially available cold foggers work well when deploying the formulation as a fog.
This technology is licensed and not available at this time.
Licensed Manufacturers and Distributors
Phone: (303) 309-6309
Spectra Shield Technologies, LLC
Address: 4835 East Cactus Road, Suite 320
City: Scottsdale, AZ
Country: USA
Phone: (216) 409-0777
NeoSan Labs Inc.
Address: 609 Broadway Blvd NE
City: Albuquerque, NM 87102
Country: USA
Phone: (877) 400-9080 ext.101
Decon Formulas, LLC, a division of Metro Building & Painting Companies
Address: 8738 42nd Avenue North
City: Minneapolis
Country: USA
Phone: (763) 536-0277(O) (612) 867-6868(C)
Artemis Bio-Products LLC
Address: 960 North Industrial Drive
City: Elmhurst IL 60126
Country: USA
Phone: (630) 359-4090
Decon7 Systems, Inc
Address: 110 North Freeport Parkway Suite 120
City: Coppell, Texas 75019
Country: USA
Phone: (844) 727-3626
Span-World Distribution, LLC
Address: 17351 Hard Hat Dr. Suite B-18
City: Covington, Louisiana
Country: USA
Phone: (985) 875-2471 or (800) 950-9958