Gold Nanoparticle Supercrystal Chemical Sensors
Self-assembling gold nanoparticle supercrystals with superior chemical detection sensitivity, sub-millimeter size, and tunable structural features for optics, electronics, and sensor platforms

Metallic nanoparticles such as gold and silver can self-assemble and crystallize into highly ordered arrays known as supercrystals. Highly ordered single supercrystals have great potential in areas such has optics, electronics, and sensor platforms; however, obtaining high-quality supercrystals for production scale usage and device integration has been a limitation in their wide-scale adoption.
Sandia researchers have synthesized gold nanoparticles into large supercrystals with chemical detection sensitivity nine times higher than existing nanoparticle technologies. This development has potential for useful applications in the chemical detection of drugs or explosives as well as integrations in optics and electronic devices.
- Enhanced sensing capability- 9X higher sensitivity for chemical detection than nanoparticles in solution or thin film nanoparticle substrates
- Enables large scale fabrication with reproducible properties at reduced cost
- Tunable function, properties, and novel shapes
- Higher functional efficiency- reduces amount of material needed
- Inexpensive- utilizes 12 mg per supercrystal
- Charge and energy transport
- Nanoelectronics
- Optoelectronics
- Photovoltaics (PV)
- Surface catalysis
- Sandia takes home six 2020 R&D 100 Awards Sandia National Laboratories media release (November 5, 2020)
- R&D100 Award Winner for 2020
SD# 14801
Last Updated12/6/2021